**Charlotte Salomon


Jewish Historical Museum

Title sheet of the Singespiel, from "Life? or Theatre?" 
Franziska Kann tells her daughter Charlotte about heaven from "Life? or Theatre?"

The vocal coach Amadeus Daberlohn asks Charlotte: "Do you really love me?" from "Life? or Theatre?" sheet 4626

Charlotte Salomon, Gouache from Life? or Theatre?, 1940-1942, Villefranche, France.
Collection Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam. Photo: Copyright Charlotte Salomon Foun
Charlotte Salomon, Gouache from Life? or Theatre?, 1940-1942, Villefranche, France.
Collection Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam. Photo: Copyright Charlotte Salomon Foun
Charlotte Salomon, Gouache from Life? or Theatre?, 1940-1942, Villefranche, France.
Collection Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam. Photo: Copyright Charlotte Salomon Foun

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